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Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Plan

The Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission (NWARPC) developed a regional approach to Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO). TSMO encompasses a range of operational strategies and applications that can optimize the performance of Northwest Arkansas’s existing infrastructure and benefit travelers in the region.




TSMO is “an integrated set of strategies to optimize the performance of existing infrastructure through the implementation of multimodal and intermodal, cross-jurisdictional systems, services, and projects designed to preserve capacity and improve security, safety, and reliability of the transportation system.” TSMO, examines improvements from an integrated systems perspective, looking beyond a single strategy, project, or corridor.

This plan captures the Northwest Arkansas region’s strategic approach to TSMO, based on regional outreach and a regional TSMO Capability Maturity Model (CMM) self-assessment. The region’s strategic approach includes its TSMO mission, vision, goals and objectives. From this, the region identified specific TSMO strategies and actions to implement, and developed implementation plans for high-priority actions. The high-level strategic direction and actions are summarized in this Executive Summary. They are detailed, along with the outreach and research behind them, in the plan that follows. The TSMO Plan is developed using a consensus-based approach with input from stakeholder agencies by undertaking the following tasks:

  • Develop a business case for TSMO in Northwest Arkansas
  • Review relevant plan documents
  • Develop best practices report
  • Conduct CMM assessment
  • Develop TSMO Strategic Plan
  • Develop TSMO Implementation Plan


TSMO Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives

The Northwest Arkansas TSMO strategic direction is materialized through the vision, mission, goals, and objectives presented in this section. The information in this section aligns with the NWARPC vision for the region as illustrated in current endeavors such as the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan and the region’s 2022 Congestion Management Process and through the discussions conducted with the region’s stakeholders.


The NWA region collaboratively manages an integrated transportation system that provides safe, reliable, and efficient transportation options for the growing region.


Provide a safe, reliable, and efficient transportation network for the NWA region by leveraging stakeholder collaboration and innovative technology solutions.

Goals and Objectives:

Click to enlargeSafety
» Reduce crash frequency in the region.
» Reduce crash severity in the region.
» Minimize the motor vehicle crash-associated cost incurred by roadway users in the region.

» Improve the region’s travel-time reliability.
» Manage congestion more efficiently.
» Enhance real-time traffic information in the region.


» Operate a coordinated regional transportation network.
» Maintain the regional transportation network.
» Provide seamless mobility to the transportation network users.

» Promote coordination between the various stakeholders in Northwest Arkansas, which includes, but is not limited to, ArDOT, MPO, Cities, and private sector companies.
» Develop a communication framework for the region’s stakeholders
» Encourage data and information sharing between the region’s stakeholders.

» Incorporate TSMO strategies into the regional planning.
» Focus on implementing strategies that directly improve transportation operations in the region.
» Include TSMO in maintenance, construction, and design processes.

» Leverage feasible technology solutions on the regional network.
» Create an environment that attracts transportation innovators to the region.

Environmental Sustainability
» Reduce vehicle travel delay.
» Increase use of transit, ridesharing, and non-motorized modes.
» Reduce motor vehicle emissions that contribute to air quality issues and climate change.

TSMO Implementation Plan

The NWARPC Regional TSMO Implementation Plan provides a roadmap for deployment of strategies, action items, policies and practices to support a successful systems management and operations in the region. Implementing these TSMO strategies will lead to increased safety, reduced congestion, and improved system performance. Successful implementation will require ongoing interagency coordination for planning, funding and operating the improvements.

Click to enlargeFor each of the high priority action items, the TSMO Plan includes the following components:

  • Strategy
  • Action
  • Description
  • Goals Addressed
  • Implementation Steps
  • Timeframe
  • Benefits