Connecting Northwest Arkansas through Transportation Choice
NWARPC is currently updating the region’s long range transportation plan – Forward2050. Required by the federal government, this plan identifies transportation improvements for the next 25 years. As the MPO for Northwest Arkansas, NWARPC is required to update the regional transportation plan every five years. Forward2050 will replace the current 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Our goal is to connect Northwest Arkansas through Transportation Choice.
The Forward2050 Plan relies on the following Principles:
Aspirational, collaborative, comprehensive, and regional
Respects and integrates local plans
Protects and enhances Northwest Arkansas’ quality of life
The Forward2050 Plan incorporates the following Themes:
Predictable and fiscally responsible development patterns
A connected multi-modal region
A safe and resilient natural and built environment
Healthy, inclusive communities and thriving regional economy
More information and opportunities to participate in the public input process will be made available soon.
Below you can find the current NWA 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan documents and information.
On March 24, 2021 the RPC/Policy Committee approved the 2045 NWA Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) by Resolution #2021-02.
The 2045 MTP currently serves as the 25-year regional transportation plan for the Northwest Arkansas metropolitan transportation planning area. It provides a long-range, comprehensive look at the region’s transportation needs and implementation strategies including, but not limited to highways, transit, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
Amendment #1 – October 26, 2022 – Resolution #2022-13
Amendment #2 – February 22, 2023 – Resolution #2023-01
The public participated in the kick-off open-house events on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 in Rogers and on Thursday, October 17, 2019 in Fayetteville. Staff from NWARPC, Ozark Regional Transit, Razorback Transit and Alliance Transportation Group Consultants presented information, posters, and handouts about the 2045 MTP update process and the recommendations for transit routes as part of the Connect NWA future local transit system. The maps and information presented at these events are available here. The 2045 MTP opinion survey was also available for attendees to complete at the open house events.
NWARPC used a number techniques to educate and gain public input throughout the 2045 MTP development process including the following:
- The Growing Mobility in a Growing Region educational speaker series focusing on how NWA can grow and expand transportation modes. The series consisted of four public events – three speaker lectures and one panel discussion with peer transit agencies. The four-part series featured nationally known speakers with an emphasis on how Northwest Arkansas can grow and expand transportation modes to improve mobility for NWA residents. KUAF radio personality Kyle Kellam’s hosted each event and interviewed the speakers as well as NWARPC staff.
- The 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Survey. As part of the MTP public involvement and input process a 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan opinion survey was made available between October 2019 and July 2020 with links to the online version from the NWARPC website, the NWARPC Facebook page, and also by providing the link through emails, media, and newspaper articles. A paper copy of the survey was also available in English and Spanish at public involvement events. A total of 378 surveys were received in English.
- The 2019 NWA Regional Transportation Survey (Scientific, Random Sample). During September 2019, ETC Institute administered a regional transportation survey for the NWARPC. The purpose of the survey was to gather input from residents to better understand the level of satisfaction with the region’s transportation system and attitudes toward prioritizing transportation improvements. A five-page survey was mailed to a random sample of households in the MPA. Residents were given the option of returning the survey by mail or completing it online. Emails and phones calls were made to encourage households to participate. A total of 835 surveys were received.
- The Public Outreach Activities in Connect NWA – 10-year Transit Development Plan. CONNECT NORTHWEST ARKANSAS (NWA) is a 10-Year Transit Development Plan (TDP) that will serve as a “Blueprint” for improving and expanding transit in the NWA region. Connect NWA establishes a shared understanding of what successful transit looks like, how to design effective service and ultimately how to implement it regional and locally. Over 1,200 surveys (in English, Spanish, and Marshallese) were received. A survey summary can be found at this link.
- Origin/Destination Transit Survey (Scientific, Random Sample). The Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission (NWARPC) System Wide Origin and Destination Survey was conducted in March 2018. The survey was completed for regional transit riders in the Northwest Arkansas area on both Ozark Regional Transit (ORT) and Razorback Transit (Razorback) systems, with a sample size of 1,080. The O/D Survey was Phase I of the TDP update.
Please see the following items for additional data, interactive maps, and links:
Cave Springs Area Karst Resource Conservation Study (Fall 2014-Spring 2016)
Congestion Management Process Report (May 2014-May 2015)
Eastern North/South Corridor Study (July 2011)
AR Hwy. 112 Corridor Study (June 2015)
NWA Regional ITS Architecture and Deployment Plan (Spring 2007)
NWA Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Regional Master Plan (2014-2015)
NWA Transportation Alternatives Analysis Study (2014)
Highway 71 Corridor Improvements Study – Bella Vista Bypass to Missouri State Line (2017)
Highway 72 Improvement Study – I-49 in Bentonville to Pea Ridge (2019)
Highway 62 and Highway 102 Study – Highway 102B to Highway 94 (2019)
Highway 412 Corridor Planning Study Update (Oklahoma to Missouri) (2020)
Previous Long Range Transportation Plans:
2020 Regional Transportation Plan for Metropolitan Northwest Arkansas
2025 Regional Transportation Plan for Metropolitan Northwest Arkansas
2030 Northwest Arkansas Regional Transportation Plan
2035 Northwest Arkansas Regional Transportation Plan
2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) – Appendices (A-G)