Annual Listing of Obligated Projects
The Annual Listing of Obligated Projects (ALOP) includes all projects and strategies listed in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for which Federal funds were obligated during the immediately preceding program year. The ALOP is made available to the public in an effort to enhance the public’s ability to participate in the current year’s transportation planning process.
The 2024 ALOP Notice for Public Comment was published on December 26, 2024.
The ALOP lists the following information:
Program Year – The year for which project obligations are reported – in this case, the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY).
Obligated – An obligation is the Federal government’s legal commitment to pay the Federal share of a project’s cost. An obligated project is one that has been authorized by the Federal agency and for which funds have been committed. Projects for which funds have been obligated are not necessarily initiated or completed during the program year, and the amount of the obligation will not necessarily equal the total cost of the project. For projects under the auspices of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), obligation occurs when the FTA grant is awarded. For projects under the auspices of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), obligation occurs when a project agreement is executed and the State/grantee requests that the funds be obligated.
Released – An obligation removed from a project, usually as the result of a decrease in the cost estimate, a project awarded for a lesser amount than originally authorized at advertisement, or a Federal Highway Administration Financial Integrity Review and Evaluation (FIRE) project level review.