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Transportation Improvement Program

NARTS 2023-2026 TIP AMENDMENT #8: The NWARPC, in conjunction with Razorback Transit and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), has determined an amendment to the Northwest Arkansas Regional Transportation Study (NARTS) Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is necessary to include modifications to FTA Section 5339 programmed funding allocations.


PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: A public comment period for the proposed TIP Amendment #8 will be held from Monday, July 8, 2024, through Monday, July 22, 2024. Written comments can be sent to The TAC will consider the proposed amendment and public comments on Thursday, July 18, 2024 and the RPC/PolicyCommittee on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.


DRAFT NARTS FFY 2025-2028 TIP: In conformance with federal requirements, and in coordination with planning partners, the NWARPC has prepared a draft Northwest Arkansas Regional Transportation Study (NARTS) FFY 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). 



PUBLIC FORUM: In accordance with NWARPC’s Public Participation Plan (PPP), an open-house style Public Forum will be held on Thursday, July 18, 2024 from 11:30am until 1:30pm, immediately following the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting, at the NWARPC office, located at 1311 Clayton, Springdale, AR 72762. The public is encouraged to drop in to view the TIP document and corresponding map, as well as to ask questions and offer comments to staff.

PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: A Public Comment period will be held Thursday, July 18, 2024 through Friday, August 2, 2024. The Draft TIP document and corresponding map are available for review at the NWARPC office or using the link above. Copies can be mailed upon request. Written comments are encouraged via the comment tab on the NWARPC website at, sent directly to, or sent via the US Postal Service (USPS) to NWARPC 1311 Clayton Street, Springdale, AR 72762.

APPROVAL PROCESS: The TAC will consider comments and the draft NARTS FFY 2025-2028 TIP for recommendation to the RPC/Policy Committee on August 15, 2024 at 10:30am. The RPC/Policy Committee will consider the draft NARTS FFY 2025-2028 TIP for approval on August 28, 2024 at 1:30pm.

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) document is required under federal transportation legislation. This publication lists all federally funded transportation and transportation-related projects to be undertaken within the transportation study area by implementing agencies over the next four years. NWARPC develops the Northwest Arkansas Regional Transportation Study (NARTS) TIP, in cooperation with the Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) and Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT).

The NARTS FFY 2023-2026 TIP was approved by the RPC/Policy Committee on December 7, 2022 by Resolution #2022-16. This approved TIP includes all transportation improvements planned or programmed within the MPA that will utilize federal funding for all or part of their implementation costs. The purpose of the TIP is to assist in coordinating the use of these funds for area-wide transportation improvements and to ensure that the projects that are the recipients of these federal funds are in conformance with the 2045 NWARPC Metropolitan Transportation Plan (2045 MTP) adopted on March 24, 2021.

NARTS FFY 2023-2026 TIP


2023-2026 TIP Amendments:

2023-2026 TIP Administrative Modifications: