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Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission

Meeting Minutes Archive

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission (RPC)/Policy Committee

A primary activity of NWARPC is its function as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Northwest Arkansas and a portion of McDonald County in Missouri. The MPO has two permanent committees, the Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission/Policy Committee (RPC/Policy Committee) and the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The RPC/Policy Committee is the principal decision-making body for the MPO and consists of the member jurisdictions’ chief elected official and/or other appointed representatives. The TAC develops the technical aspects of plans and reports and makes recommendations to the RPC/Policy Committee. TAC members are usually professionals who are involved in the technical side of transportation. The TAC and RPC/Policy Committee make up the Northwest Arkansas Regional Transportation Study (NARTS). The NARTS is an identifying name used by the Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) to distinguish the NWARPC MPO from other MPOs within the state.

Below you can find archived  minutes for the TAC and RPC/Policy Committee meetings.


TAC Meeting Minutes:

2023 Minutes
2022 Minutes
2021 Minutes:


RPC/Policy Meeting Minutes:

2023 Minutes
2022 Minutes
2021 Minutes:


SERVE ON A COMMITTEE: NWARPC invites members of the public to participate in non-elected committees. Please call 479-751-7125 for more information on committees and how to participate.